How to pay border tax or check post tax online?

Here is how to pay check post tax or border tax online for tourist vehicles and goods vehicles through the Parivahan website.
How to pay check post tax online.
- For this, visit the website of Parivahan Sewa. (Link is given below)
- Click on the Online Services menu in the main menu and then click on the Check Post Tax sub-menu.
- Now click on Border Tax Payment in the main menu of the page that appears and then click on the Tax Payment menu.
- On the next page, select the state you wish to visit in the Select Visiting State Name section.
- In the Service Name section, select Vehicle Tax Collection.
- On the next page, enter your vehicle number in the vehicle No section and click on the Get Details button. (Your vehicle details will now be filled in the specified columns.)
- Then type your mobile number in the Mobile No field.
- In the District / RTO Name section, select the district that includes the check post you wish to cross.
- Then select the check post in the Check Post Name section.
- Select Weekly under Tax Mode.
- In the Tax From section, select the day you will arrive at the border checkpoint.
- Then click on the Calculate Tax button.
- Click the Confirm button in the confirmation message box that appears.
- Select Canara Bank in the Payment Gateway section.
- Then tick the I accept terms and conditions check box and click the Continue button.
- Then make the payment using your credit card, debit card, UPI payment or net banking.
(Once the payment is made, you will receive a receipt for paying the border tax.)
Website link for payment of border tax or check post tax:
Posted by: Govdotin Admin
January 23, 2025
Categories: PARIVAHAN,